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Alan Schimmel Advises Attorneys on Sinkhole-Related Legal Issues with Law360

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2013 | In the News

Partner Alan Schimmel was quoted in the article, “4 Tips to Keep Clients From Tossing Money Down A Sinkhole” published by Law360, discussing the preventative measures attorneys should advise of when representing clients looking to develop, purchase or rent land in areas prone to sinkhole activity. Mr. Schimmel recommends hiring a geotechnical engineer to go back through the history of the property and determine whether it has had sinkhole activity. “A typical purchase agreement is not going to have details of known damage from sinkholes, even if there are reports in the history of the property,” says Mr. Schimmel.

Although, in the event that a client’s property suffers damage from sinkhole activity and litigation against the seller of the property ensues, Mr. Schimmel says attorneys should apply the same principles they do in bridge collapse litigation and wildfire suits.
